Should you use a derma roller to help you grow a beard? Let's face it; when on a quest to achieve the perfect beard, no technique, tool, or sketchy tip is off-limits. Growing a beard demands dedication and a willingness to think outside of the box. Beyond choosing the best beard oils for beard care, it also commands you to consider the quality of the skin beneath that beard.
There are governing rules of sorts when it comes to growing a beard. It includes keeping your body well-hydrated at all times, selecting healthy foods, choosing the best products for beard growth and quality, and, most importantly, maintaining adequate blood flow to the region.
Blood flow and Beard Growth
Before we examine the power of derma rollers, let’s begin by taking a closer look at why blood circulation is a critical ingredient for growing a beard. This discussion will help to set the stage for derma roller use.
Just like your scalp and the hair on your head, the skin beneath your beard relies heavily on having adequate access to those vital nutrients that support hair growth. Your blood flow is the key to your skin and beard, gaining access to those nutrients. What are these nutrients you keep reading about in online articles and blogs? The vital nutrients you keep hearing so much about include zinc, oxygen, iron, and host of other vitamins and minerals that are necessary for healthy beard growth.
In a nutshell, zinc not only fuels your immune system, but it also has antioxidant properties, which helps to strengthen hair follicles. Think of the hair follicles that make up your beard as a force field that requires constant reimbursement. If you do not sustain this forcefield, your risk for hair loss can rise exponentially.
Iron deficiency has a notorious reputation for causing hair loss, and therefore, it can also lead to hair thinning or patchy beard syndrome if you fail to get a handle on things. Without iron, your body cannot produce an adequate amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen. Oxygen serves as a therapeutic agent that aids in skin damage repairs and its beard hair growth.
Collagen may promote beard growth in multiple ways. Collagen contains amino acids that build hair proteins and strengthen skin that hosts your hair roots and prevents hair damage. Our bodies contain large quantities of this protein, and your beard relies heavily on having regular access to it.
Enter derma rollers for beard care. Women and beard experts have come to appreciate derma rollers for beard and skincare because they believe that following this practice will boost collagen production, which ultimately will improve their skin. For men, it will enhance the quality of their beard.
Let’s take a closer look at dermarolling for beards.
Derma Rollers are an instrument that can prove useful in healing the skin, smoothing wrinkles, and are especially valuable for naturally managing scarring that is a by-product of acne and rosacea. Not only is it an impactful tool for managing skin problems, but this derma roller is useful for some common beard problems.
Advantages of Using Dermarolling for Beard Growth
Derma rollers or beard rollers, as we know them in the beard community, are popular because they promote collagen production.
There are numerous benefits of practicing dermarolling on your beard. Understandably, you might be on the fence about using tiny needles on your skin and especially, your face. However, do not pass on this piece of information just yet.
Manage Your Patchy Beard
If your beard is giving you the blues when it comes to dealing with hair loss, it may be time to pick up a derma roller. Derma rollers are excellent for helping you to solve for patchy beard syndrome. Thanks to its rejuvenating side effects, this hand-held tool can help to reverse thinning hair.
How it Works
Derma rollers have a small, rolling drum that is covered with small, microneedles that puncture the skin. This tiny drum is attached to a handle that you use to help guide the roller over your skin. The microneedles create just the right amount of skin damage to the surface of the skin to trigger collagen and keratin production to initiate the healing process and also increase blood flow into the area. This action by the beard roller also stimulates the production of testosterone and DHT, which activates hair growth. All of these actions combined, provide for the right environment to awaken hair follicles that contribute to hair growth.
Derma rollers are available in a variety of needle sizes that may range from .2 mm to 3 mm. You should take steps to start with 0.25 mm derma roller to minimize injury or skin damage. Again, you are aiming for perfection. Too much of a good thing can lead to a poor outcome.
For best results, you should use the derma roller on your beard, utilizing a pattern that either leverages a side to side, up and down or diagonal. Aim for five to seven rolls over each surface area. These are needles, so take care to keep your motions gentle and uniform. You want to avoid making any turning or twisting movements, as this may cause unwanted skin damage.
Consistency is an essential aspect of beard care, and the same is true for the derma rolling process. To start, you should try to use your derma roller once a week. Also, it would help if you focused on a small area of your skin to allow adequate time for you to acclimate tiny moving needles over your face and to observe for how it is your skin responds to the treatment. This timeframe and purposeful focus on a segment of your skin will allow you to become comfortable with this process and get to know your derma roller and how it is your skin will respond to it. Over time, you will slowly increase the area on your face in which you use the roller.
After a few weeks, you may be able to increase your frequency of dermarolling your beard to two or even three days a week. Be careful not to exceed this proposed frequency. Derma rolling does have a reputation for damaging skin if you do it too often. You should also monitor your skin's response and decrease use if necessary. If you notice any inflammation, redness, or bleeding, it may be a good indicator that you are doing too much.
Finally, keep your roller clean and remember to sterilize before and after each use. A nasty derma roller can lead to a nasty skin infection if you are not careful. You can use isopropyl alcohol, allowing the needles to soak for approximately five to ten minutes. Do not share your derma roller with anyone else!